Collection: Philippe de Lur Saluce

From their ancestor Françoise-Joséphine, who took part in the advent of the successive sorting of the grapes, to Bertrand , who was at the birth of the AOC, and Alexandre, who presided over the destiny of Yquem for a long time, the Lur Saluces are inseparable from the great wines of Sauternes. In the 1920s, Bertrand de Lur Saluces, uncle of Alexandre, current owner of Château de Fargues, decided to abandon the production of red vines to devote himself exclusively to the production of a great Sauternes wine. He undertook the slow and costly work of replanting the entire plot of land in Fargues with the grape varieties of the appellation. Today, the same desire for quality and rigour and the same ethics are still being perpetuated. The wine of Fargues embodies the entrepreneurial spirit and sense of risk and creativity of Lur Saluces. For more information, you can consult the following books « d’Yquem à Fargues », Alexandre de Lur Saluces – Gallimard « Men, wines and emotions, memories of a lover of great wines », Nicolas de Rabaudy – Edi­tions du Rocher « Les Lur Saluces d’Yquem », Marguerite Figeac – Mollat « La Morale d’Yquem » , Interview with Jean Paul Kauffmann – Grasset