Collection: Grant Burge

One of the largest landholders in the Barossa, Grant Burge wines is a bastion of well made, value for money wines.

Drawing on depth of experience in the region, Grant Burge and his wife Helen established the brand in 1988 and have developed a formidable range of wines across a broad spectrum of price points.

The history of the Burge family and their long association with winemaking in the region can be traced back to March 1855, when noted tailor John Burge immigrated to the Barossa from Hillcot, near Pewsey in Wiltshire, England with his wife Eliza and their two sons.

John worked as a winemaker at Hillside Vineyards and his love of viticulture was passed onto his son Meshach, who continued the tradition making his first wine in 1865, while becoming a prominent community leader. Meshach married Emma in 1883 and they had eight children. First-born Percival established the Wilsford Winery near Lyndoch in 1928. Percival had two sons, Noel and Colin, and Colin and his wife Nancy had one son, Grant.

Following in the footsteps of his father and forefathers before him, Grant carried the winemaking tradition into the 21st century.

Grant Burge Wines came under the ownership of the Accolade Wines' family of brands in 2015. Since then, the winery has flourished both nationally and internationally.

What Types of Grant Burge Wine Do You Stock?

At The Wine Collective, we supply a range of Grant Burge wine varieties including:

  • Chardonnay
  • GSM
  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Cabernet Merlot
  • Rose
  • Shiraz
  • Pinot Gris
  • & more

For a complete list, shop our range today.